Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mama Iren

As I mentioned before, I had the great joy of meeting Mama Iren on my trip.  Here is a glimpse into that experience as shared on the Suubi Works blog today.

While you are there reading, check out the amazing work being done by this organization and consider how you might become a part of helping another woman rewrite her story!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Good Stuff

What a celebration it was to greet my friends when time and distance has made the separation long and hard.  Seeing them all again was such a joy.  Conversation flowed with Damalie and she was so sweet to explain that she considers me part of her family.  I was able to stay in her home and we were blessed to deepen that bond.  George and Sylvia welcomed me back with open arms and hearts as well saying “it was a blessing because you did not forget us”.  I love the way they talk!

I was able to see schools and homes and income projects on pieces of land that were empty and barely owned just 2 years ago.  I walked those lands with others, praying God’s hand over whatever was to come, begging for Him to take that nothingness and use it as a lighthouse for the Kingdom.  To get to see exactly that was such a grace.  Joy unspeakable.  Oh how He is so very good and has answered so many prayers.  On the same note, to get to hold and play with happy, healthy, educated children who were far from that description when I first met them, there are just no words for that.

I had a blast with my little namesake at Sangaalo.  She has gotten so big and is so beautiful.  I guess she somehow understood the connection because she never left my side the whole time!  

Time with Bruhan & Iren was priceless.  There is no way to put a value on holding, dancing with, reading to, smiling at, playing with, hugging on, and singing with your sponsored kids.  Like all other children they long for that attention and affection.  Unlike some other children they do not get all they long for.  But by His grace He allowed me to fill up these precious two for a few short days.

And then there was meeting Iren's mother.  Oh my, what an experience!  Check back for that story later :-)

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Harder Things

It is amazing to me how I can see a lot of the same things each time I go and yet some of them strike me differently than previous trips.  I had a few of those hard moments this time.  Nothing really new, but they grieved my heart in a new way.  Things that are just not right.

Seeing kids MOB for a PIECE of a banana.

Looking into the yellow eyes of a week old baby with a hematoma and wondering if he would die in your arms.

Talking to a mother about what she views as most important for her child: food, medicine, education, or a family.  She may only get to choose ONE.

Knowing a pregnant woman contracts malaria then still goes to church the next morning to lead worship.

Seeing kids sleep in a bed with rat droppings.

Being reminded that you can take your seriously ill child to the doctor’s office and wait ALL DAY to be seen.

Experiencing for myself the average person's reality of fetching water.

Watching kids eat the same meal twice a day every day, knowing they will continue to for weeks, months, and YEARS.

Listening to a mom who gave up one of her children in hopes that she could better provide for the remaining ones.

Thankful for a God who has promised to rescue us from a broken world.  He is coming for us and there will be a day when these things and all the other tragedies no longer exist and are not even a memory.  All things will be made right in the presence of Him!  Until that day I will keep fighting to make sure people know of this Love.

Photo Post

Here are some of the fun shots from the trip.  Grateful for my friends who caught most of these moments for me!

my kids

needed UG to represent!

trying to be African...ish

conga line!

story time
music time

photo time

my mom's gifts blessing others

Mama Iren - story to come