Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Did you know

A few random tidbits I've noticed about this place:

*No one ever moves at a fast pace, EVER.  And so even when it starts to rain, yes we will continue to saunter along through town with absolutely no urgency to get out of it.

*Kenyans who are fluent in both Swahili and English will have a conversation where they interchange both languages like it were just one.

*It only costs somewhere around $300 to have a baby at the nice private hospital.

*This same nice private hospital will not let the father stay unless he pays for a bed.

*There are no addresses, only landmarks, even among the locals.

*Most conversations are conducted at just above a wisper (SO foreign to me!)

*It is 'cold' here.

*It is perfectly acceptable to breastfeed anywhere you like, including the middle of church.

That's all I have for now.  I'm sure there will be more later!


  1. I love reading your updates! I am so proud of you for doing what God has called you to do! :)

  2. It would be hard to adjust to the quiet conversations. Is it because their hearing hasn't been damaged by ipods, annoying commercials, and rock concerts?? ha ha. LOVE your posts Amber. You're in my prayers!

  3. I bet they think you are just crazy loud.
