Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A little vacy...and perspective

I've been looking for a job for 4 months now.  Officially unemployed for 2 of those months.  And I am finding that few things make you more weary than job hunting.  Its been a rollercoaster of ups and downs, pessimism then optimism, doubt and faith.  But as with all things that happen in our lives, we get to decide where to camp.  In this instance, I can hang out in the nothing, or the nothing yet.  Because I'm still journeying in my walk, and will be until the day I die, its a daily choice I have to make.  He has been so tenderly guiding me to the faith camp.  In the not yet, I have found there are beautiful things to be had like time with family and friends, serving, recharging, and intimate time with Jesus.  Recognizing that I have an unlimited amount of unoccupied time makes it hard to appreciate these gifts.  I find myself wanting to dismiss them thinking I should be doing something more 'responsible' with my time.  But that is not the reality.  So I strive to see these moments for what they are, sweet moments in time that I'll only get once.

Took a little trip to see some friends where we got to worship, and serve, and adventure.  Then traveled on to HOMA!  Celebrated the great freedoms we have in this nation and also a certain little boy's birthday.  Then it was time to earn my keep helping my dad demo their bathroom and then start putting it back together again.  Also did a little painting and such.  In the middle of that there was a few days of lake time where reading, relaxing, and eating were the only things on the agenda.   A little more work followed that time, just to make sure I wasn't bored.  Mix in a whole lot of great time with dear friends where we laughed and called out blessings and processed hard seasons.  Of course it isn't summer in OK without an Icy and a drive around Overholser.  And now I am working on blocking out the torture of that LONG drive back.  Though I must say it is a beautiful country we live in and He is a masterful artist. I am so grateful to have had that time even though it was only possible because of a lack.  Somehow He is always making beautiful things out of ashes.

And now it's back to the hunt...

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