Friday, August 17, 2012


Haven of Hope is part of an incredible community organization here.  It is called Nakuru Children's Home Initiative (NACHI).  It gathers together all of the hundreds of children's homes in Nakuru county.  They meet once a month and discuss how they can help each other.  If they are having trouble with a particular child they counsel each other on how to address them.  They befriend one another with prayer and support.  This is the first organization of its kind in all of Kenya.  They decided to have an event in order to showcase themselves to the community, to gain awareness and support.  All the homes were invited to bring their children along for the festivities.  We took the older ones with us.

waiting in line for balloon hats

After some of the homes marched into the park, they had lots of entertainment for the children.  Different homes would do a skit, dance, song, etc.

these guys were incredible!!

Uncle Joseph even did the DJ work

Afterward they provided lunch and cake for the kids

It was a very fun day!

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