Monday, August 27, 2012

Two More

Today is one of those days where all you want to do is break down and cry, but you know that if you started there would be no stopping. The kind of crying from your gut where you can’t breathe. Today two more orphans have names, faces, and stories. 

Kelvin about 5 or 6 and Lucy about 3 or 4, brother and sister.

I watched as Nellie and the staff agonized over a call this afternoon from the District Officer. A court case just happened today and 4 children need a home. They have called all the other homes in the area and nobody can take them. Here the children are already 3 to a bed and struggling to have enough food to eat and yet Nellie can’t bring herself to say no. The alternative is worse as the children would have to stay in a jail cell where they get beat up and sodomized. She has seen it herself. So with pain, HOH takes in two more. The children are brought in dirty, with tear stained cheeks, looking frightened as can be. With a 3 minute exchange they are dropped off and ushered into the home. Haven’s kids are wonderful as a couple volunteer to bathe them, others go and get some of their clean clothes, and then even others agree to share their bed. This is a great place for these kids to be. They will be loved, they will be fed and clean, they will have a chance for a life altering relationship with a sponsor from the states; but regardless of that it leaves me sick in the pit of my stomach. This situation should NEVER happen. Intellectually I know it does, and I know that this is a good alternative, but to watch it transpire is almost more than I can take. This is not how it was designed to be. No child should ever have to experience this, to be this scared and alone, to be hungry and dirty and mistreated. And the realization that we are not Home yet hits harder than ever before. Finding comfort that there is One who is Father to the fatherless and praying He holds them in His arms tonight.



  1. beautiful words from my beautiful friend. Love seeing God move you. praying for these 2 new friends.

  2. I read this and could not sleep last night!
